If you were wondering what that billboard was that advertised
602-DUI-Team (602-384-8326), it was an advertisement for the AZ DUI Team.
The AZ DUI Team Attorneys are accomplished DUI Trial Lawyers - each with their own private practice - who are experienced in handling both Felony and Misdemeanor DUI cases.
Each Lawyer on the AZ DUI Team has handled approximately 1,000 DUI, Criminal, and Vehicular-Related cases, and each will aggressively protect your rights in front of a judge or jury.
If you are currently charged with, or expect to get charged with,
a Misdemeanor DUI or Felony DUI in Maricopa
County , it is important
to talk to an Experienced DUI Defense Lawyer as soon as possible.
Contact the AZ DUI Team
for a Free Consultation:
Great post!!Thanks for sharing it with us....really needed. Being charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is a very serious matter that requires immediate attention from a qualified Scottsdale DUI Defense Lawyer. In the state of Arizona, having a blood-alcohol content (BAC) of just over the legal limit of .08%...scottsdale dui attorney